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Foods That Can Kill Bad Breath

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Foods That Can Kill Bad Breath

Foods That Can Kill Bad Breath Dentist In Los AngelesWhile it is interesting to note that we usually get bad breath due to the foods we eat but sometimes those very same elements can mask, or kill, our bad breath for a while.  Yes, you got it right since in this narrative we will be enlightening ourselves from the expert guidance of Dr. Shervin Louie, a well-known dentist in Los Angeles, about those foodies which can destroy bad breath in our mouth for some time.

This can prove quite important and helpful whenever you found yourself in an urgent social gathering where chances of verbal interaction are higher. It happens to most of those people who eat something that can cause bad breath during the day’s workout and until they had back to their duties, they realize that they have developed a stinging smell in their mouths. So, for all of you troubled out there, here are some foods you can take at once to kill off the bad breath for a while until the coast is clear.

The Good Foods That Will Cover Bad Breath

As an expert of all-oral issues, Dr. Shervin Louie’s list of recommended foods to kill off bad breath in the following lines is not only effective but very healthy at the same time as well. So, it will not only benefit you as an emergency aid but if you take then regularly in your diet then you sure will be favoring your overall health as well. Let’s take a look then!

Green Tea -:

We will begin to exploit the benefits that this simple watery substance offers. Green tea contains one of the most effective antioxidants in it that kills bacteria – catechin –. So when you drink a cup of green tea, you get rid of all bad-breath making culprits in your mouth for a good period of time until you regrow them with something more of their liking.

Berries, Oranges & Melons -:

All of the fruits mentioned in the heading contains a huge amount of Vitamin C. Vitamin C fights against bad bacteria’s in your mouth and also helps keep away numerous gum ailments and gingivitis, which are all grave causes for bad breath. So, in case you encounter one coming out of your mouth on a social occasion, eat lots of fruits containing Vitamin C and help yourself to restore your confidence.

Parsley -:

“Hence one of the most powerful herbs to counter bad breath, Parsley ensures not only a genteel breath but also highly good for maintaining overall oral health,” says Dr. Shervin Louie of Aesthetic and Implant Dentistry in Los Angeles. Parsley oils are so effective in getting rid of bad breath that almost all of the mouth rinses and toothpaste uses this ingredient within their formula. But how to eat Parsley when outdoors? Buy a Parsley gum and keep it with yourself.

Drinking Water More Than Usual -:

Drinking lots and lots of water is proven and time tested method of curing your overall body of most of the evil things, let alone your oral turbulences. Therefore, drinking water in huge quantity keeps your mouth fully moisture and this is not really a place which bacteria’s appreciate to live and develop in. Plus, it keeps your body dehydrated on a very sustainable level which will ultimately keep your spirits high and up.


Many studies by now have proven the great benefits yogurt has for your oral and overall health of the body. But when it comes to bad breath, yogurt is like nature’s prestigious gift. Yogurt contains active cultures richly which prove to be great in diminishing bad breath. Plus, it is a probiotic mixture, it can easily kill and overcome the bad germs in your mouth and reduce bad breath quite effectively.

So, all of this guideline by Dr. Shervin Louie, the renowned dentist in Los Angeles, will only be helpful to you in the end. But there is something more important than all kind of preventions and cures, and that is to go occasionally to your dentist for a full checkup of your oral condition.

Sometimes, a bad breath is not as simple to be caused by only taking certain diets or substance usage like smoking, it can well be an early sign of something bad developing in your mouth or deep inside. A professional dentist in Los Angeles, such as Dr. Shervin Louie, are capable to fully evaluate the condition of your mouth and tell you what’s really amiss within. So, make sure you visit a dentist often for your own good.