Some Best Tips For Teeth Whitening On This Holiday Season
Christmas and holiday season comes with a plethora of reasons for you to join and socialize with your family, friends and collogues. This time of the year is one in which gatherings and parties become a norm in your everyday life. With all of this comes the great responsibility of keeping shiny, white and healthier teeth because there come numerous occasions where you need to show off your teeth in full glory to the people around you. Nothing feels more disgusting and embarrassing than showing off yellowish and stained teeth which completely demoralize your character in front of the others. Therefore, today we bring you some great tips for making your teeth as white as milk (per say), taken from the expert advice of the famous dentist in Los Angeles Dr. Shervin Louie. Let’s read!
Home Remedies For Teeth Whitening -:
Since most of us are like to stay and do a lot of things back at home during chilly holiday and Christmas season, why not shall we benefit from some of the best home-tips to make and keep our teeth white for several social occasions? First off, let us shed some light on what are some of those cosmetic dentistry products you can use at home for whitening teeth.
You can find various ADA-approved cosmetic dental creams, toothpaste, and strips which can ultimately whiten your teeth by applying them in a routine fashion at home. While you can find and may get tempted, many products that are available in the market for teeth whitening but make sure that you only use those that are coming from a reliable source and are ADA-approved. This will ensure that the product shall not contain anything which can be harmful to your oral organs or do other side-effects on your body.
If you would like to avoid artificial methods, you can accede to natural solutions proffered by nature. “The dentist community around the world recommends that a person should brush their teeth several times a week from a toothpaste made out of lemon juice, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and or Coconut-Oil as well,” says Dr. Shervin Louie, renewed dentist of Los Angeles.
Get Help From Cosmetic Dentistry -:
Getting help from a professional dentist in Los Angeles, such as Dr. Shervin Louie, is perhaps the best way you should proceed ahead on teeth whitening task. Also, speaking to a dentist who is certified and reliable in his job may also reveal to you other considerable issues happening in your mouth while you are unaware of it. A professional dentist is well-versed in cosmetic dentistry treatments, one of which is teeth whitening as well, and can be able to provide you perhaps the best teeth whitening services for immediate results. A dental professional may well apply whiteness and recommend protective solutions at the same time so pay a visit to your dentist and get your teeth shiny for this Christmas holiday season safely.
Some Short Things You Should Remember In Order To Maintain Whiteness Of Your Teeth -:
Regardless of the fact how you have whitened your teeth for the holiday season, you have to keep the following things in your mind in order to maintain that shiny factor throughout the holiday and Christmas season for continues whitening. Following recommendations are given by the renowned dentist in Los Angeles Dr. Shervin Louie:
- Avoid foods that stain your teeth excessively. These foods include coffee, red wine, colored fruits, soda, tea and strong colored beverages.
- Get rid of bad habits like smoking or high alcohol consumption. Both of these habits make teeth extremely yellowish and build plaque on them.
- Follow three-step dental basic plan responsibly. This includes regular brushing, flossing, and mouth rinsing.
- Wash, or if possible, brush your teeth as soon as you take heavy meals. This minimizes tinting effects on your teeth.
In the case of any pain or injury accidently happening to your teeth during holidays, immediately visit the nearest dentist available at your location because delaying may get you into big dental trouble. So, enjoy this holiday and Christmas season with safe and sound dental health.